1. In Game Name: AddyCWebs
2. Age: 17
3. Experience with AOTBT: Played on a serer that is now closed. I also have a SP world.
4. Skype Name: I'll give that in private as it contains my real name.
5. Personality: Extrovert, love to make friends and have fun. I get into skype calls to talk and play. I like to get the community together for games and events.
6. Good at Building?: I'd say at least decent
7. Why should you be accepted?: Because I could bring a valuable contribution in optimism, fun and help for everyone, and also a lot of great play, and out-of-game fun.
8. Anything you would like to share about yourself(Optional): I am gay xD (if rellevant). I'm also a graphic designer, so yeah, I can contribute with that.
9. Favorite mod in the pack: Thermal Expansion, and lately I got into Galacticraft
10. Would you be interested in donating to help the server stay afloat(decision will not affect whitelist): every 1-2 months, depends on how much spare money I've left.
I, Adrian C, have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.