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Everything posted by protoxide22

  1. hello everyone, i'm setting up a tekkit classic server with griefprevention ver. 5.5.1. I'm having trouble setting up the locking for mod's block, i'm pretty sure that I did everything right but everyone is still able to open machines and chests listed in the config in claimed lands... why is this happening? here is my config GriefPrevention: Claims: Worlds: - world - world_the_end - world_nether CreativeRulesWorlds: [] PreventTheft: true ProtectCreatures: true PreventButtonsSwitches: true LockAllDoors: false InitialBlocks: 100 BlocksAccruedPerHour: 100 MaxAccruedBlocks: 80000 AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4 ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 5 CreationRequiresPermission: false MinimumSize: 10 MaximumDepth: 0 IdleLimitDays: 0 TrappedCommandCooldownHours: 8 InvestigationTool: STICK ModificationTool: GOLD_SPADE NoSurvivalBuildingOutsideClaims: false Spam: Enabled: true LoginCooldownMinutes: 2 MonitorSlashCommands: /me;/tell;/global;/local WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned. BanOffenders: true BanMessage: Banned for spam. AllowedIpAddresses:; PvP: ProtectFreshSpawns: true PunishLogout: true CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15 AllowCombatItemDrop: false Trees: RemoveFloatingTreetops: true RegrowGriefedTrees: true Economy: ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0 ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0 BlockSurfaceExplosions: true LimitSurfaceWaterBuckets: true LimitSkyTrees: true FireSpreads: false FireDestroys: false AddItemsToClaimedChests: true EavesdropEnabled: false WhisperCommands: /tell;/pm;/r SmartBan: true Siege: Worlds: [] BreakableBlocks: - DIRT - GRASS - LONG_GRASS - COBBLESTONE - GRAVEL - SAND - GLASS - THIN_GLASS - WOOD - WOOL - SNOW EndermenMoveBlocks: false CreaturesTrampleCrops: false Database: URL: '' UserName: '' Password: '' Mods: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: - 126:*:. - 133:*:. - 134:*:. - 137:*:. - 150:*:. - 151:*:. - 155:*:. - 157:*:. - 158:*:. - 161:*:. - 169:*:. - 177:*:. BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: - 128:*:. - 178:*:. - 181:*:. BlockIdsExplodable: [] PlayersIgnoringAllClaims: [] sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance
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