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Everything posted by Ingrater

  1. Yes the pipe is linked to a working LP network, that does not make any difference, I tried. I also tried directly iterating over the wrapped peripherial as you suggested with the same results. It prints the same strange methods.
  2. I need help with interfacing between a computercraft computer and a logistic pipes request pipe. According to the wiki request pipes are a peripheral and should be useable from a computer. When I place a request pipe behind a computer I am able to use it as a peripheral: pipe = peripheral.wrap("back") But when I list the methods the pipe supports I get some really obscure response pipe.listMethods() response: getActivationEnergy(direction) getAdvancedMethodsData() getMJStored(direction) getMaxMJRecieved(direction) getTankInfo(direction) listMethods() But according to what I found on google it should say something like this: help commandHelp getType getCraftableItems makeRequest getAvailableItems getTurtleConnect getNBTTagCompound getItemIdentifierIDFor getUnlocalizedName getRouterId canAccess getItemDamage getItemId If I actually try to call methods that the pipe should support I get a "try to call nil" error. Do I need to load up a custom api script for this to work? Or is this a bug in the current tekkit version? (I'm using the recommended version 1.2.9e)
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