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Everything posted by jonathansty

  1. no, now when you want to add modpacks to your technic launcher you need to upload them. how can you make that you can add one in the launcher that isn't on the platform site?
  2. Hey technic forums, Is there a way to add your own modpack that you currently are making without uploading it and downloading it again?
  3. I'm having internet lag. But you shouldn't have lag when you are hosting on 8 gb of ram... what's your upload speed?
  4. Sorry guys, the server is probably going to close. I don't have any money to keep it running.
  5. Well, it seems like asking him is just a waste of time. But is atmosmobs allowed to be in a modpack?
  6. Yes, We know that , We are currently working to fix that. We are still looking for nice SMP mods to put in the modpack. If you have suggestions you can always contact me.
  7. You know I just reported you on the tekkit forum for bringing server related stuff to the forum?
  8. Because unfortunaly you grieved the spawn. And got banned for that.
  9. Can a mod please close this topic, This server now has a custom file.
  10. Server info IP: ckz2.no-ip.com:25565 uptime: 24/7 Custom zip: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/59388771/mo'sCreatures.zip Description: We invite you in playing on the .Ckz# Craft minecraft server. We just want you to have fun. Enjoy your stay and feel free to visit us at www.ckz-clan.com (and apply). Rules: No griefing No stealing No abusing exploits/ bugs Respect every player and staff member Do not spam the chat with argues. If there is an argue that is causing a lot of trouble admins will not hesitate to ban both of the argue starters. mods All tekkit lite mods(without mystcraft) Mo's Creatures Major plugins Essentials Permissions Lockette HawkEye Pictures Ranks Admin Only 3 people(Server Owners) Members: Jonathansty Dangermoussse DeeDeeKing96 [*]Moderator Nobody yet(P.S.: Don't ask for it!!!) [*]Donator Only for donators Can teleport and use other useful commands. [*]Player default rank Can build. If you want to donate contact [email protected]
  11. I also have the same problem but I am using PermissionsEx when I op myself and then deop I can use all commands until I relog after that I can't use any command except for /plugins I can't even use /help.
  12. Seems like some didn't read to article properly. You don't get moderator with asking it. And you didn't even play on this server. Next time someone ask's for moderator, the player will be banned.
  13. Server info IP: uptime: 24/7 Description: 3 friends(including me) decided to start up a server. And now we are looking for cool, and nice players to play with. We prefer players that donate ofcourse because we currently split the cost with us 3. You don't have to donate to play but we would be very thankful. There is no whitelist on the server. But if there are coming to much griefers we will put on a greylist. See y'all in the server. Rules: No griefing No stealing No abusing exploits/ bugs Respect every player and staff member Do not spam the chat with argues. If there is an argue that is causing a lot of trouble admins will not hesitate to ban both of the argue starters. Removed mods Mystcraft Major plugins Essentials Permissions Lockette Pictures Ranks Admin Only 3 people(Server Owners) Members: Jonathansty Dangermoussse DeeDeeKing96 [*]Moderator Nobody yet(P.S.: Don't ask for it!!!) [*]Donator Only for donators [*]Player default rank If you want to donate contact [email protected]
  14. You only have 2 post while there is required amount of posts you need to have before applying. You also have not enough posts.
  15. After a lot of hassle I managed to reboot the server. You guys do not exceed the minimum requirements!!!!!!!
  16. Ok, normal server back up, apperently the power had shutdown there.
  17. I think not, my clan leader hosts the server and the server box crashes from time to time. Depends on what happens with his internet etc. I asked him why. but not yet an response but meanwhile you can join craft4now.worldofminecraft.be:25584 a server I won for a month and I'm going to setup correctly after my exams. But it would be nice to keep this server for more then a month 10 euro's will do for 10 slots if you people would be kind to donate it would be very awesome to have more server.
  18. hmm, server crashed, I'll add you 2 when the server comes back online.
  19. That's not my problem I only use the tekkit version. If you installed your mods manually you should have used the right mods.
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