Name: Ryan Burns, IGN- ryanbyr
Age: 10
Skype: DuckStep_
Experience being staff: Moderating on a TF2 server, did it for allitle. other then TF2, I have no experience for Minecraft.
Current Server Rank: Yeoman (Builder)
Why do you want to be staff: I want to be a staff member for serveral reasons- first off, not many staff are active beside's Laxyboy and Legit and sometimes when there not on it can be a promblem because there not there to help. Another reason is When someone breaks rules, is rude or griefs, I want to be able to take action, I'm pretty active on the server and I would love to be able to help out people more, my third reason is I'm very turthful, and my reputation on other servers is really good, I've never been banned on a TF2 server or a Minecraft server, I hope that shows I'm trustworthy. My last reason is I would like to be more known to staff, what they do is really nice to the server andthey help out alot, I want to be able to be as useful as them if not even more useful.
What staff/mod related plugins do you know: Wolrdedit is all I know.