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Everything posted by MysticPing

  1. *SIIIIIIIGH* Yet another error. "You do not have FML installed" Seriusly? argggghhh
  2. I got whitelisted a while ago, had continues errors and problems like not being whitelisted. After reinstalling numerous time you told me to reinstall again and that you had fixed everything... The new pack update doesn't come with the *BEEP*ing IP
  3. My screenshot is NOT broken, right click and choose "open picture in a new tab"
  4. Thanks for the quick response im white-listed now but i can't join i get some error with mod versions then it says i can't connect. I'm re-downloading the pack atm. If i get the error again i will take a screen-shot
  5. My in game name is exactly "MysticPing" with capital M and P
  6. You said i was granted but it says im not white-listed when i try to join it also has this as MOTD "www.slayergaming.org" maybe i got the wrong ip when installing the mod pack???
  7. Previous Bans: Once for reparing a griefed building (they thought i did it) And once for advertising. (I hate lying in my applications) Been playing minecraft since: Beta 1.3 Been Playing Technic packs since: Around Beta 1.8 Favorite mod: Thats a hard one! Either CC BC2 or IC2 Mod you would like seen added: Computer craft and Thermal expansion. (Sorry if thoose mods are already in the modpack) What Number1Zombie loves to use: Tnt, altough i would prefeere Nukes xD Why you should be whitelisted? Beacuse i will try to encourage trading with others. I will sell complex Computer Craft programs. Once i reach the endgame i will focus more on helping others. I'm honest. I've been looking for a good server forevah! What you want to do on the server: A computer lab. If not, a eco friendly farm complex. If both of thoose are the stuff everyone else does i'll try to be a bit hipster. Helping others. Whatever i do i will try to be eco-friendly. (If running quarrys on bio fuel counts xD) Extra note: How do i download packs from technic platform?
  8. Now that i read it again i understand what i did wrong. Writing applications late at night is not good i guess :(
  9. Why did i get deneid D: I read it as do not remove what's in the [] so i thought i should keep it there. Sorry!
  10. IGN: "MysticPing" Previous Bans: Well i've been temp banned once for advertising. I've been banned once for reparing an griefed building and they thought i griefed it. (im honest) [You will not be rejected based on a ban] Been playing minecraft since: beta 1.3 Been Playing Technic packs since: I dont know i think i started playing it when the yogcast started to uppload them. About 1.1 i guess Favorite mod: Ouch! Thats a hard one! I guess ComputerCraft, Ic2, Buildcraft2 even EE ( I said its a hard one xD) Mod you would like seen added: [This is optional but it helps for us to see what the community wants] ComputerCraft! (if its not in yet!) What Number1Zombie loves to use: [This changes regularly so don't just copy the application above you] TNT Why you should be whitelisted? [This should be no less than 5 complete sentences] Beacuse i like tekkit servers and thought that this was a very interesting server. I'm honest. I always try to help others when i reach the end game, even before sometimes. I like to start bussinesses instead of just doing everything. I promote buying/selling. What you want to do on the server: Either a computercraft lab were i code and sell master pieces (hopefully xD). If not i would do something with forestry. If both of those are normal occupations i would try to do something else to spice things up. I will start a shop of some sort after i reached a comfortable point. I will try to build a awesome huge base! sentence(to have 6 sentences to be hipster xD). [Do you want to build an epic castle? Make a super city? Make a massive redpower airship? Also a minimum of 5 sentences.]
  11. Application Name: MysticPing irl name Victor IGN: MysticPing Age: 13 soon 14 (I can asure you im not unmature) Tell us something about yourself: Well i love tekkit and i've been looking for months for a good tekkit server with few mods disabled Time zone: Central Europian Ever Banned? If so why: Well to be honest i've been banned once. I was repairing a griefed building when someone thought that i griefed it. Why do you think this servers for you: As i said i've been looking for a good server for months Tekkit Experience: Alot! recently i've gotten into computer craft, if MysticPing == "Really want to join this server" then print("I really do!") else print(" i still do!") end
  12. IGN:MysticPing Reason for wanting to join: I've been looking for a good tekkit classic server with nothing banned for weeks! Experience:(How long have you been playing for?) Minecraft? Since 1.3 beta Tekkit? since about when 1.2.5 came out Magic or Science:(What do you have more experience in EE or Industrialcraft, buildcraft and others like this) I'm pretty good at eveything but on this server im going computercraft/ic2
  13. 1- In-game Name :MysticPing 2- Experience in Minecraft :since beta 1.3 3- Experience in Tekkit : ALOT 4- What you wish to see in the server :A fun server with no mods disabled 5- Have you read the rules? : Yes 6- Do you have skype? Yes but its private( I do use teamspeak 3 though) - Yes : What is it? - No : Too bad 7- What is the secret word? ;Maniumox
  14. I really want to join! Please :D
  15. Name/Nickname:Mystic, MysticPing, Ping or just MP IGN:MysticPing Age:almost 14 (not unmature) Time Zone: idk really know bot im one hour after brittain Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) Maybe, i havn't tried vent yet Will you be a dedicated player on our server? If i like the server, ofc (I will maybe even invite a couple of friends) Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: Well I'm a experienced tekkit classic player. I'm very good at EE2 and IC2 and Buildcraft. I'm also fairly good at Computer craft. I've been looking for a good small server with no banned items for weeks now! I hope i can join
  16. Thanks! I'll try that for my coockie factory
  17. Now when forestry has been removed how do you make automatic farms? The only was i found it that works(Altought it sucks and aint effective) Is to make 2 rows of wheat and put. pistons around and water inbetween. When the wheat is full grown you activate the pistons and the wheat flows in the water into a obsidian pipe. -Sincerly an friendly tekkit user
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