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Everything posted by konoxians123

  1. Launcher/pack Version: Current Operating System: 64xbit Version of Java: java 7 Description of Problem: I cant start the technic launcher because i fiddled with it when trying to make a mod so now when i try to open with it doesn't let me do java and when i redirect it it does nothing
  2. Looking for a partner, I'm almost 14 and will be on all day today and after school tomorrow etc. I have my own server and i have bought fraps ^-^
  3. I sent you all friend requests on skype so I'm a bit impatient so accept 'em :D
  4. How in the fucking world did we get this off topic?
  5. s'all right brosef ;D
  6. Go to the bug board there is an important post there -_-
  7. Quite the same here xD
  8. Trust me they probally wont so deal with it :D
  9. Kenshin, I would be glad to help you. I have a server that is working. We could start fresh and I could teach the basics, by then we would be learning together. My skype name is konoxians if you would give me a friend request we could get started
  10. Well the title is prettyself explanatory. Does anyone have skype and want to play tekkit pack with me. Server runs on 1.1 minecraft(<--
  11. or this? ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\bin
  12. What i did was saved the launcher to a folder and then opened and got what you got and then went to %appdata% then .techniclauncher should be there and where it says 'technic-laucher' double click and boom!
  13. Like this ? \Program Files (x86)\Java\bin
  14. Launcher/pack Version: newest Version Operating System: 64-bit Version of Java: 6 Description of Problem: internal External command Error Messages: 'java' is not recognizable as an internal external command, operable program or batch file. Help is appreciated!
  15. I get this error when trying to set up my tekkit server: C:\Dan\Desktop\Minecraft\IC server>java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui Error occurred during initialization of VM (or UM weird font) Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine. C:\Users\Dan\Desktop\Minecraft\IC server>pause Press any key to continue . . . PLEASE HELP, ALL HELP IS VERY WELL APPRECIATED!
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