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Posts posted by Unknnnnn

  1. i would suggest something with gates not logic pipes but the gates autarchic gates. They should be able to detect liquid in the dynamo or is that for engines only? and send signals back and forth its just a mater of setting up the thing to pull it out and distribute  the lava to other places thats my only work around i can think of. Good old gates 


    Wow I tried energized glowstone as a fuel... This just resulted in me ragequitting... The thing is bugged to hell... It just empties the whole 48 buckets of it into nowhere - considering my engines are full and don't need any of it. If I change my tank from output to input at the bottom (none of the other tanks can be changed) it just fills up exactly 23495mb of energized glowstone and stops there. Then the crucible just empties the stuff into nowhere...


    My terrain smasher also caused my rage quit - it just stopped working on the block in my cobblestone generator. Funny thing it breaks any other block except that one. Is there a limit on how many times a block can be automatically destroyed?


    Anyway what are Gates? I have primarily been using thermal expansion pack because I am just starting with tekkit and didn't want to be overwhelmed by doing everything at once. I guess I'll look it up. Thanks

  2. First of all thanks for the replies, I find this issue really frustrating but so far I can only attribute it to being a bug within thermal expansion of the tekkit pack rather than an issue with the mechanics. I actually figured it out - the tank at the top when it loses a few points of lava (500 or so - the crucible sends the whole bucket (1000mb to refill it) regardless of how much it actually needs.



    There is a known bug with Fluiducts multiplying liquids, but that one probably does not apply here.


    The thing you describe seems to be normal operation for Magmatics. They "burn" the lava in small increments, and more lava will be drained from the pipe to keep them topped off. The Fluiducts themselves have a certain capacity, something between 2 and 4 buckets per piece. Only when the Dynamos are topped off and not running, the Fluiduct is topped off as well, and the internal storage of the Crucible is completely full, it will stop producing lava. As long as the Dynamos are running, it will of course run as well.


    As far as I know, this setup is not very energy efficient anyway. I have not done the math, but it might even use more energy than it produces, or not much less.


    It is definitely energy efficient, considering netherrack is easy to come by, although while being energy efficient, it is definitely not energy abundant. Here's the math:


    To clarify - machine produces an excess of lava over what is used. Otherwise I would never fill up all the tanks with lava (Including the dynamos).


    All 5 of my magmatic dynamos have 4000/4000 fuel. They produce 80 RF/t or 1600 RF per second each. 1 bucket (1000Mb) provides 180000RF for single dynamo, now how much does it provide for 5? (At 80Rf per tick and 1600RF per second - in order for all 5 magmatic dynamos to consume 1 bucket of lava (200mb each) it means they have to use up 180k/5=36k energy each. In other words at 1600rf per second: 36k/1.6k=22.5 seconds of work each until they need new bucket). Magma Crucible consumes exactly that amount (Which is why my hardened energy cell which was at 1.9 million when I turned on magmatic crucible - stays there pretty much forever while magmatic crucible works) Just to clarify: 180k in 22.5 seconds is 400rf/tick which is what my crucible eats.


    My lava tank has 48000 MB capacity or 48 buckets. 1 Netherrack equals to 1 bucket of lava. It takes 20 seconds for crucible to melt 1 netherrack - producing 1 bucket. It consumes 160000 energy doing so. (wiki says 120k, although at 400 per tick, and 8000 per second - 20 seconds is 160000 RF so there is a problem with a wiki as well? Or may be I'm looking at a wrong wiki) Considering that 5 dynamos produce 180000 Rf per bucket in 22.5 seconds - while not ideal the trade off is clearly visible. there is about extra 125mb every 22.5 seconds (1000mb / 20 * 2.5 extra time = 125mb)


    Now I hoped that the 400rf per tick eating machine (crucible) would just stop after all the tanks are filled, so I can efficiently use my millions of RF. But obviously the machine itself decides to waste extra 50-80% of lava to refill the final bucket worth of storage.

  3. Basically I'm mostly using Thermal Expansion so far, I have set up 5 Magmatic Dynamos fueled by lava from 3 tall hardened portable tank (total 48 buckets). The tank is supplied by Magma crucible melting netherrack. Currently all 5 dynamos are filled with lava, but my magma crucible keeps leaking lava to somewhere? It does not fill up itself. Which means it is constantly on - and drains all 400rf per tick worth of energy.


    I assumed it should stop leaking lava when all dynamos are full and the portable tank is full? But it doesn't?

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