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Everything posted by ItzMicahL

  1. Name: Micah IGN: Xmahanoi2001 Age: 13 Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) Yes Micah_levy Experience being staff? Yes ive been moderator and Co-owner Current rank on server? Prodigy Why do you want to be staff? So i can help people and make a better communtiy What staff/mod related plugins do you know Alot of the mods
  2. Name: Micah Age: 13 Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) Yes Micah_levy Experience being staff? Yes ive been moderator and Co-owner Current rank on server? Prodigy Why do you want to be staff? So i can help people and make a better communtiy What staff/mod related plugins do you know Alot of the mods
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