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  1. Skuli will like that. EDIT: One request concerning the mods: pls find an alternative to that mapwriter. In it's 1.6.x - version it looks awfully ugly...
  2. it's 2.0.1a there... start readin carefully we are talking about the problems in 2.0.1. 2.0.0 ist stable, more or less.
  3. is the 2.0.1b-server already out?
  4. found sth weird in the config: there was a"offLawn.cfg" and an "OffLawn.cfg" in windows they were extracted to the same file which means that one of them actually becomes extracted and then overwritten. In Linux they are different files which makes offlawn having 2 configs. that might be the linux-problem. Pls look out for that. EDIT: the case-sensitive ist still the problem, even if it doesn't have much to do with the extracting that i assumed. The "OffLawn" is written in capital letters. the mod looks out for a config with an 'o' not in capital. it doesnt find one and creates a config with standart values. Those do the conflict. EDIT,EDIT: going back to 2.0.0 since it runs far better than the updated version.
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