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  1. i need whitelisted again my IGN is Toxic_Girrafe_
  2. I could really use some people to play tekkit with who have hopefully been playing tekkit for a while. if you are up for playing then PM me or reply in the comments
  3. to delete certain items you will need a diamond pipe and a void pipe
  4. you can use golden trnasport pipes also to remove from the quarry to the chest(s)
  5. when i do a quarry i use 3 or 4 combustion generators with one of the orange fluids(i cant think of the name rightg now) and my quarry's run fine on just that
  6. multicraft sucks cuz in order to make more than one server using it you either have to install more than one instance of it or by a license
  7. i have absolutely no problem running pretty much all modpacks using java 8. and it looks to me to be more of a problem with minecraft itself
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