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Everything posted by Gotxi

  1. Meltdown with a huge explosion would be funny and catastrophic too hehehe Ok i will keep working on the new reactor, thanks again
  2. Oh, didn't know the conduits had a limit, the technic wiki only says this: One of the doubts i had is if an active cooled reactor with turbine was more efficient than a passive cooled one, so you say it is. I will try it in creative first so i can compare. Your vertical reactor seems very interesting, and i can also save resonant ender with the infinite vertical flowing. Hmm... i have to make one (or two ) But one question, why so much tesseracts? they have a power limit too? Im just using one right now to output the power to my main power network. Thanks a lot for the tips, im still learning and trying tekkit stuff
  3. I have finished my reactor, if you are curious this is it, its a 7x7x21 all resonant ender cooled with control rods at 50%: The stats: Im also keeping my older magmatic lava setup, just in case i need a backup power line
  4. @Seff Interesting way of filtering items. In my case everything goes to the me network, i have 4 64k drives and building more, so space is not *yet* a problem. When so, i will make your version with a filter in the quarry Thanks for the pics, much more clear than just text
  5. Im still learning tekkit, this is my first time playing it, (and my second world, the first one got write protected by a bug, and i started from scratch), but im open to ideas I will try reactors, i have enough yellowrite and uranium to start testing.
  6. Yup. Keep in mind im not using all the power they bring, so yes. Also, they store lava when not in use, so even if a pump is not enough, they last for very long only with the stored lava
  7. Hi guys, just for you to know, my setup is finally complete and working, this is how i did it: I have fuel setup that consist in a pump powered with a redstone engine extracting infinite* lava from the nether, and giving it with a fluiduct to a nether tank, that teleports the lava to my basement in the overworld. *(i know it's not infinite, but its a HUGE supply, and i always can move the setup to another lava lake.) My basement receives with another ender tank the infinite* supply of lava from the nether and the lava flows in the fluiducts wall. Then I built a wall of magmatic engines powering a third wall of redstone conduit energy pipes. Those pipes connect to some machines in my house and most important, to the tesseract (you can see it in the bottom right of the redstone conduit wall). This tesseract sends energy to my remote tesseract, and also receives items from remote tesseracts that goes to the regular minecraft chest. The chest have a precision import bus that withdraws all stuff into my me network. Then for further processing, i have 3 precision export buses that extract the items i want to go to the pulverizer and the induction smelter, then the procesed items goes back to the regular minecraft chest with golden transport pipes, and as i just said, all the things in the regular chest goes to the me network. This is my remote quarry setup, it's simple, quarry next to a tesseract (for item teleporting) and 2 redstone conduits to connect the energy. I hope you like it guys
  8. Hi people! I need your wisdom to solve this little problem i have. I want the items i mine with the quarry to go to my applied energistics network, but i tried several solutions and none of them worked as expected. The only setup i had working is this: QUARRY -> TESSERACT (next to quarry) -> TESSERACT (my house) -> regular chest -> ME precision import bus -> ME cable -> ME drive The problem with that setup is that quarry fills the regular chest at top speed and the ME precision import bus does it slower than quarry, so items overflow in about a minute. I also tried to "buffer" the tesseract output in a ME chest directly with a 4K storage cell, and the items fill in it without problems, but, even having that 4k buffer chest in the network an setting the ME drive in highest priority, items wont leave 4k chest. What im i missing here? i think it can't be that difficult... Thanks in advance
  9. This worked for me!!! I had the same problem with a grinder in the nether, both tesseract were chunkloaded and were not sending items. A chest next to the receiving tesseract worked, and then i could extract items from that chest using pipes Thanks a lot man, i was burning my brain for 2 days with this problem.
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