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Everything posted by MustangFord

  1. Hai people, i have a problem today I create a server with a modpack called BattleField 4 everything was good my friends were playing when i was still opening the launcher and when i attempt to connect to the server it crashes but when im not joining the server its standing good.. any solutions about this issue? '> I made the server by this way MCPC+) CUSTOM SERVER TUTORIAL '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  2. Nevermind i fixed it
  3. Hello people, i've been wondering how can I make a server with the modpack battlefield 4 ( technic launcher ) I was on a server on the same modpack and an idea came to my mind how can i make a server so i can have fun with my friends shoots the crap out of us i was searching everywhere else but I didnt got anything helpfully so my point is how can i make a server + modpack battlefield 4. Sorry for my bad English im new here, peace out!
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