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Everything posted by Tz_Hammer

  1. i can bring comedy to the server i take up for my friends if a argument ever happens(hope it doesn't) also I'm good to joke around with can take a joke . I'm good with the mods i can help people with issues they have figuring things out. I don't grief don't ever plan to its unfair to server and the player that it happens to. Also I'm a giving person if i have the thing you need u can have it. Im like everyones favorite neighbor the one they ask to barrow sugar from. I love small community server there is another I'm on thats vanilla called mintyfreshcreepers. Im easy to get along with and care about the well being of the community
  2. i can bring hilarity to the server technical help because i know the mod and the felling of your loved to the server because i help and i love also I'm good with the mods and I'm the giving neighbor you ask to barrow sugar from
  3. ign:Tz_Hammer age:14 almost 15 I've been looking for a small server the no banned items interests me and 2 of my friends recommended me dv and theendercoffee also i know larpey he plays on this other server i play on would love to join and play and join your great community
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