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Everything posted by lenzon101

  1. Thanks for the Info, Was about to make a tread about it :P
  2. Ok so, i have tekkit 2.1.1, i extracted it into a folder, i let it finish, click launch.bat, and it gives me this : Launcher/pack Version: Technicpack dosnt work atm, not sure why. Operating System: Win 7 Version of Java: 7 Description of Problem: Cant launch server with launch.bat, or at all. Error Messages: C:\Users\Free Spirit\Desktop\Tekkit 2.1.1>C:\Program Files <86>\Java\bin -Xmx1G -Xms1g -jar Tekkit.jar nogui 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, C:\Users\Free Spirit\Desktop\Tekkit 2.1.1>pause Press any ket to continue Link to pastebin of log: (not sure what you mean)
  3. Awesome to hear! I cant wait ;P Seeing how both are answered, this can be closed i guess. Nothing left to talk about on this.
  4. Ah thanks! this is just what i was looking for! i still think technic should add something like this though c:
  5. Ok so, i noticed that you can use this to play Hack / Mine, yogbox, vanilla, ect. So my first question is, if i click vanilla, can i go on a server like i would with a clean .jar and minecraft.net's launcher. is it the same thing? And, Second. Is there a way to make my own selection, like "Custom" and it has say. optifine, zombe fly, spcommands, and smooth water, for example. Is there some way i can make a .jar, and then make it in the selection of different mods, so i can load that, and not have to keep putting the .jar in manually, i can have multiple ones made, so there always there to be used. (this is more to the dev's of Technicpack) If not, do you think something like this can be added, so people can have multiple .jars to select from, without haveing to manually do it, we can use this launcher.
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