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Everything posted by Jeepney

  1. First of all, thank you for being respectful, I appreciate it. We are currently testing our plugins, based on your suggestion. We will report our findings.
  2. It appears they are partnered with Ubuntu, so I can only guess that it is a custom version of Ubuntu. I'm not saying they keep track of every company, nor do they have to. Minecraft is coded in Java, which is multi-platform. I would assume that there would be no major issues that would occur just because of the Operating System. The server worked fine for 2 weeks, with the same Operating System. Also, all servers I've visited using the same host have not had this problem. Throwing the problem at an OS issue will not solve the problem any faster.
  3. We do not host the server from our own computer, on the server manager it says: Furthermore, seeing how widely used MossyCobble is, I believe the developers know what they are dealing with. The cause of this issue has nothing to do with the Operating System anyway, so we can not treat this as a client-side issue. I would understand if it were someone on SSP having these problems, but this is on a server that has been running for 2 weeks. We have not had this problem until today.
  4. We are using the most recent version of Tekkit. I believe the developers will be pleased with the fact that I at least sent them an unknown issue, rather than not providing detailed information for my first post. Anyway, we use a completely standard Tekkit. It isn't modified, beyond what the developers have done. We only use around 4 plugins. None of which deal with ore generation. Abrakadabrah Launcher/pack Version: 2.11 Operating System: mossycobble1.28 Version of Java: v6 32 bit Description of Problem: bugged ore generation( entire chunks of tin/copper)
  5. It appears something is wrong with ore generation. This only has appeared in a few chunks. However, it is majorly exploitable on SMP. The moderators on the server have reported finding multiple of these in the last hour. It appears that only IC2 and Forestry ores are affected. Regular ores seem to spawn fine. Uranium seems to be spawning in veins of 10+. The administrator has reported that it only should be in veins of 3 max.
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