First Name: Antonio
Skype: graded caboose
Most importantly write a paragraph about what you want to do or would enjoy doing on the server or in AotBT: I would like to join this server because like the rest of us we want to avoid griefing and stealing and whatnot. I want to have the freedom and peace of mind that I can build and converse with people without the fear of losing my belongings. I would like to try a bit of everything ranging the smelterty building amazing tools, to cooking with food plus like turning milk into cheese or baking an apple pie. I would like to dab into witchery and even go to the moon. An important thing is the community and that's really what I'm looking for. I don't mind helping people out wether it's building something or giving an item I would love to help and get to know everybody, because the biggest part about this is making friends and having fun right?