Dude it work i rebuild the lift form your planes, and it work is a little slow but is awesome, i will change the structure but the caller system is 100% funcional, juts 1 thing, i have trubles with the screen (monitor inside the elevator) i do not know how to add levels on the screen i got this
--Adds level with number, label and corresponding level to the list
-- Choose short labels if you have more than 5 levels, 8 char max for it to display correctly on screen
function addLevel(num, label, level)
local t = getTable()
t:add(0, Sotano 1, 0)
t:add(7, PB, 7)
--We have too many registered levels to display them on the screen
if #t >= MAX_LEVEL then print("too many levels !") return 1 end --The return is not used