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Everything posted by Blackfire7676

  1. The term "auto-farm" refers to the planting and harvesting of a crop without need for a player interaction. You have a weed-ex auto production facility. Not that I'm saying your creation is bad, just that it is titled wrong. Now figure out how to get hydration cells and water cells into the cropmatrons (Problem: crop matrons will not autoplace items in the correct slot)
  2. I don't understand the problem. What are you trying to do? You can't pull anything out if there is nothing to craft the object with.
  3. Not yet. To understand IC2 crops is to understand the Teirs of crops. Its a steppingstone process. You must discover other hybrid crops before you discover hops. Blackthorn is normally the first discovered. Then you can discover hops with crossbreeding netherwart and wheat. And the crops must be fully grown to crossbreed.
  4. Try going into single player to see if the mods are loading. If you don't see them there, you have to re-download tekkit or check for an update.
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