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Kingofhearts01 last won the day on October 20 2015

Kingofhearts01 had the most liked content!

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  1. It is suggested to use ME chests in order to hold all the materials for a 64x64! The amount of things you would gather is enormous
  2. It is suggested to use ME chests in order to hold all the materials for a 64x64! The amount of things you would gather is enormous
  3. Quarries really really make a difference in this game. With all the machines and upgrades etc there would be no way to get everything just by mining!
  4. Quarries really really make a difference in this game. With all the machines and upgrades etc there would be no way to get everything just by mining!
  5. I got my own oil storage facility going up soon i will turn it into fuel!
  6. Me too Hego it sounds exciting i was there last year it is always freaking awesome! BE THERE!
  7. We missed you too laggy its almost time then you can get on! When you get on you should participate in the Halloween Build
  8. I really enjoy the voting prizes! The Points we get from the voting are the coolest, free donation currency!
  9. The blastzone is alot of fun. It is very different from the rest of the server. But you gotta keep on your toes when you are there.
  10. Yeah it is great! The staff work very hard to keep the server at 20tps. But the players also are a part of thi effort to keep us safe! Make sure to check if your machines are laggy!
  11. Yeah it is great! The staff work very hard to keep the server at 20tps. But the players also are a part of thi effort to keep us safe! Make sure to check if your machines are laggy!
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