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About DragonAltair

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. I get the same thing. But I opened up the platform's console through the gear/settings icon in the top right corner of the screen before i pasted the url. It looked like an error exactly the same but what i did notice was when i scrolled to the bottom of it a few lines before it said there were "90 more..." it said something about it getting a 403 error when trying to get to the files location for the modpack. So I copied the platform url and went to it in my browser and found the link it uses to get the modpack (it looked like this: "url":"https:\/\/dl.dropbox.com\/s\/wsmrdrg7w6snnsx\/techitup.zip) I followed this link without the "\s" otherwise it wouldn't follow and I was able to download the zip file with all of the mods and the texturepack and everything that it needs to install. and just install it into a normal minecraft or into your vanilla in the technic launcher. Try to see if you can do the same.
  2. Managed to fix it. turns out there was a program in my computer that you find by scanning for malware. It's called relevant knowledge. All I did was un-install it from the computer and everything worked again.
  3. Ok well after un-installing then re-installing java, deleting my .techniclauncher folder, and re-pownloading the launcher (for the nth time) i got the same error. http://pastebin.com/7TZcCEMn
  4. It was working until the minecraft.net servers went down and I hadn't changed anything after the servers came back up other than deleting my .techniclauncher folder but ok i will re-install everything. i will give you the log if it messes up still.
  5. I understand that you are trying to say that because not everybody is complaining about it means it is just to one person. You also though make it sound like you are not going to care to check. You say it is just me when I have seen Multiple posts from different people stating that the launcher is not working. I am not trying to be aggressive nor am I trying to say that you don't care. But obviously there is something more than a client side error when it is saying failed to get the files from the site. I have (and i say this is absolute confidence) that I have tried everything to fix the problem that has been posted as a possible solution to it being a java problem or a AV blocking it. I am just wishing that someone would just check to see that all the files are working on the site and that they are all able to be accessed without an issue by the launchers. It could be possible that the files did get downloaded by a lot of people correctly and then the files seemed to start failing. That would explain why the whole forum is not exploding with the problem. Again I am not trying to be aggressive. I am just trying to get this problem fixed and giving a suggestion that it might be something on the files side and not just a client side issue.
  6. None of the suggested solutions have worked for me. I don't know. I did manage at one point in time to restore a previous version of the .techniclauncher folder then tried downloading a new one (which still gave me the frozen logo and error) I was then able to copy files from the restored folder and put them in the new one. It got the launcher to open but it was like glitched out in apperance. Aswell as it was saying download failed when trying to log in. Also when playing straight from the restored version of the folder it opens the launcher fine and everything looks normal except for the fact that it says I cannot connect to minecraft.net and only gives me the option to go to offline mode. though even in offline mode i can connect to my tekkit 2.1.1 server in online mode: false as Player. Still though I find it odd that i can open the launcher with a older version of the folder. Though not so odd because everything is already downloaded. It fails to download the files to generate a new .techniclauncher folder which is why i believe it will not open the launcher. My question is what could be causing that? I thought minecraft.net server were back up. I can log in and join servers with my regular minecraft. I am wondering that maybe that the place it is trying to download the files from is failing? Is there a way to check somehow that it is failing somewhat to where it is working for some and not for others? And if that was the case is there a way to fix that?
  7. Could someone try to answer please?
  8. I managed to restore a previous version of my .techniclauncher folder. It still says can't connect to minecraft.net. Are we sure tekkit is able to connect to the minecraft.net server?
  9. Can anybody tell me anything about how I might be able to fix this?
  10. It didn't Solve anything. Though thanks for the thought.
  11. There is no point to removing it... It is not the one causing the problem..
  12. Launcher/Pack Version: though if i right click it and go to properties it says file version Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64-bit. Version of Java: jre7u4 64-bit. I have both Java 6 & 7 installed but have set java 7 in the environment variables. Anti-Virus program: Avast! free antivirus Description of Problem: I try to run the technic launcher and it will say downloading launcher (When the .techniclauncher folder is deleted to try to see if it just messed up the download.) and it says done though the bar is only at half way (don't think that's too relevant). Then it tries to start and I get the little circle that says loading. When that disappears the logo pops up but it then gets stuck or freezes on that. It will not close unless I restart my computer or go into task manager and end the java.exe process. It was working previously when I was on jre7u3 untill I deleted the .techniclauncher folder. I deleted the folder when I couldn't connect to the authentication servers because I was thinking that if I re-downloaded everything it might work(this was previous to the post saying the authentication servers were down). Now it hasn't worked since. I have tried re-downloading and installing Java 7 which is why it is now jre7u4. I have also tried running the JAR version of the launcher by double clicking it and using a batch file. none have worked. I have read through the common problems lists and the anti-virus list (Avast! is not on the list so yay!) I have also created an exception in my Avast! to tell it to not scan the file so it would not try to block it as well as making the launcher to run as administrator whenever I run it. Still nothing has worked. I am assuming this is a Java error as most errors like this are for the launcher but I have tried everything I have seen or heard of while browsing the topics on this forum to try and fix this but nothing has worked. I would really like some help so I can play these mods again as I don't want to try to manually mod my minecraft and try to get everything compatible which I know I can't. Thank you for to anyone who answers this with some helpful information. Error Message: N/A Pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/nSZKAsUi
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