I can understand your frustration, a lot of the tutorials out there assume some basic level of knowledge, and though the process is super simple if you have no idea where to start it can be a problem. On the most basic level if you JUST want a bare bones tekkit server running on a personal machine. Follow these steps.
1. Install Java (may need Java 7, I assume you are a big boy and can do this).
2. Extract this zip to a folder. http://mirror.technicpack.net/files/Tekkit_Server_3.0.3.zip (found here if you don't want the direct link: http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/)
3. run launcer.bat in that folder
You wont have a gui, the server will run in a command prompt, and you wont have most of the anti-grief and other stuff that makes running even a remotely public server reasonable. If you just need a server for a couple of friends to play around in though, this will get the job done.
From there you need to poke holes in your router and whatnot of course, but this will get the server itself running.
P.S. Might want to read the global rules, they are pretty strictly enforced around here (for good reason).
EDIT: I see upon further inspection that you are getting a PATH error (I know it does not say that, but that is what is causing it). First step is to re-install java for your OS. (make sure you select x64 if you are running a 64 bit OS) and try it again. That *should* fix your PATH error, as most often it is caused by only have a 32 bit java installed on a 64 bit OS in my experience.
If that fails http://java.com/en/download/help/path.xml has the instructions for setting it manually.