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  1. We have reset the map due to chunk errors caused by mod incompatibilities with the plugins we were using. Map is brand new and ready to explore. Added a resource world for public use.
  2. ping. Updated the store, joining website gives you 500 points that can be saved for later or be used immediately to bonus claim blocks. All store items can be bought just by points. Voting module updated, random rewards added, voting websites updated. 6 Websites in total, every single vote gets you 10 website points that can be redeemable in the store. Christmas Celebration! Giving away 2 Ranks, 1 Hero rank, and 1 Elite rank, completely free as a reward, eligibility requirement is maximum playtime. We are hiring staff! Visit Join Eternal Legions today. Visit the website, http://eternal-legions.com for more info.
  3. Eternal Legions Presents, Eternal Legions TPPI! From the makers of the popular Eternal Legions Attack Of The B-Team Server, We have a brand new TPPI Server for you! 24X7 16 GB Dedicated RAM Limited Banned Items Ranks Xeon E5 CPUs SSDs to eliminate block lag 3TBPS DDOS Protection 1 GBPS Uplink Auto-Restart on Crashes [Not that there have been any, so far] Weekly Drop Parties Friendly And Helpful Staff [We're also hiring!] Player shops 64 Slot Teamspeak Server Emerging community! Your contribution is appreciated and acknowledged IP : tppi.eternal-legions.com *The server is emerging, although most of the bugs have been taken care of, if you find them, please be nice and post them on the forums. Website: http://eternal-legions.com/
  4. Well I set up a hub running cauldron with no mods on it, and connected my b-team server, the hub and the TPPI server to the bungee, now I can join the hub with both the modpacks, without any problem. The only minor issue is if I press the ctrl key, I get kicked because of an unexpected packet error. Any thoughts?
  5. Will spigot handle modded clients? If I use spigot 1.6.4 (since both the modpacks are at 1.6.4) on my hub and cauldron on the servers, will the hub still accept the modded clients and let them go to their modpack portals without kicking them? I once connected with an NEI mod to a spigot 1.7 server and it kept kicking me with 'Unexpected Packet' error.
  6. So I run an Attack Of The B-team server already, and I have recently acquired another server on which I'm planning to run TPPI. I want a hub spawn that allows players of both modpacks to join the hub and then walk into the server of their modpack, something a lot like MYM and Nemalands have. This is obviously going to run with bungeecord, but I don't know how. Anyone know how to set this up? I want a hub spawn so I can have a few minigames in the hub while the servers are full or down or restarting or under maintenance, any sort of thing on that part. Please don't tell me that its not possible, because it is, and servers are doing it. Please don't tell me that its easier to run the servers without a hub, because that's not the answer to my question. Thank you, kindly help me out.
  7. So I run an Attack Of The B-team server already, and I have recently acquired another server on which I'm planning to run TPPI. I want a hub spawn that allows players of both modpacks to join the hub and then walk into the server of their modpack, something a lot like MYM and Nemalands have. This is obviously going to run with bungeecord, but I don't know how. Anyone know how to set this up? I want a hub spawn so I can have a few minigames in the hub while the servers are full or down or restarting or under maintenance, any sort of thing on that part. Please don't tell me that its not possible, because it is, and servers are doing it. Please don't tell me that its easier to run the servers without a hub, because that's not the answer to my question. Thank you, kindly help me out.
  8. Thanks a lot, I appreciate all the help
  9. (had to remove this because I couldn't delete my post, posting on the tracker because Mr. Mod seems angry)
  10. I'm not sure if I understand either of those. Do you mean someone would need to moderate the game the whole time?
  11. I would like to set up a mobarena and paintball minigame on my server but I don't see a way to restrict a player's morph to the default morph while they are in the arena, is there any way to do this?
  12. Hello, I'm running an attack of the b-team server using cauldron (mcpc+) and running towns and essentials and about 30 other plugins with it. The server runs at 9 GB dedicated ram and generally doesn't have any kind of lag. But recently, my players get bugged out at certain locations in the world, and then cannot join because they get a crash and I see an end of stream error at the console. The only way it works is if I delete the player's world file, or I sit watching the console and force a player to sudo run the /spawn command before they receive a server side check. It works sometimes, but I can't keep doing this. I need to know if I could somehow keep the existing world file, and generate a fresh world with all the defaults from bteam, (not resetting other dimensions since they seem to be fine) and then having the players move their stuff from the old world to the new world. I can use multiverse, but is that going to generate a world with all the modded resources and biomes or just plain minecraft stuff? All ideas are appreciated. Thank you.
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