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Posts posted by TheGeekdu74

  1. Hello, I have a error when teh TechnicLauncher want to extract an archive.




    But in my archive I have that :




    And that :




    I noticed that when I removed the mod Liquidxp the TechnicLauncher happens to extract the archive, so it comes from the mod LiquidXp, any solution?

  2. Hello, I'm here because I have a question : it is possible to set up TechnicSolder on Hostinger ? I need a free host to host my TechnicSolder files. So if you can make a tutorial to How to install TechnicSolder on Hostinger, or if you have a free host to offer,


    I'm interested.




  3. Ok, now I use Hostinger to manage my mods, but I have the same error. i wait the end of upload to retest. I need a tutorial to How to install TechnicSolder on Hostinger, but a friend of me tell me it's impossible to do that, so I wait for a solution. Actually, the solder are in my home

  4. Hello, I have a problem, when I want to launch my modpack Dark Industry V3, I have this error :




    Anybody can help me ? I have the Solder linked to teh website, my modpack use the solder, but I see "Offline" on the modpack

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