Hey guys,
first of all, i am new here and not sure if this is the correct part of the forum to post this. If this is the wrong place, please move it.
Now to my actual question. I played all of the bigger modpacks, but like every time there are some Mods missing for me in some packs and some mods i dont like in the packs.
I would love to play a mod pack with Galacticraft (and maybe the addon with the new planets), the IC2 Mods, Buildcraft, Dimensional doors (best not the version of Tekkit, because you get portet way too easy, liked Hexxit there more), Thermal expansion, Minefactory and maybe even some dungeons.
Overall Tekkit Lite with whole Galacticraft and a small part of Hexxit. But i failed to find a modpack like this, and have no idea, how to creat such a huge mod pack on my own.
Does a mod pack like this exist? Or is there a way I, as someone who was happy he made LiteLoader with WorldEditCUI with Shaders and Forge + Optifine working in one jar, can create such a mod pack?
Any help would be nice