Hello fellow Minecrafters,
Saintbob here doing another Lets Play series, dubbed 'Come Chill with Saintbob'.
My RL name is Chris I'm from England and I'm 25.
I've been playing MineCraft for what only seems like 2weeks, but in fact has been almost 2 years.
Wow, how time flies when your having fun!
I've recently started making the 'Come Chill with Saintbob' videos to offer some form of entertainment to at least some of you fellow gamers out there, and I'm hoping I can bring something unique to this ever growing game and community.
I'm not quite sure what unique quality I'm going to bring to the scene but I'm sure I will find it pretty soon...
I hope!
I'm currently playing with the Technic Pack. Absolutely love that mod pack!
I currently upload in 720p HD, however I can do 1080p but they take me forever to upload to YouTube.
Due to the amazingly fast 30kb/s upload speeds, which is the Average English ISP
My YouTube channel is located here...
My First Episode is located here...
(This is 1080p. Believe it or not, it took me 10hours to upload this to YouTube).
I'm not going to ask you to Like, and I'm certainly not going to ask you to unlike.
I'm not even going to ask you to Subscribe! All I ask is that if you feel the need, please give me feedback on the MineCraft videos I create or any other Videos that take your fancy on my Channel.
I welcome Constructive Criticism, I'm always looking to improve, so if my videos aren't that good right now, you can be sure I'll keep trying.
Thank you everyone.
P.S OMG!!! Minecon 2012 - Disney Land Paris!