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Everything posted by gcity306

  1. Just installed nolagg hope it will work! Tick rates are on 100% (20 tick/second) but first... SLEEP!
  2. From my own experoence this is a client side issue, relogging would do the job.
  3. Explain then why it takes 1 minut to let water flow just one block... And i can dig under lava without a problem, it will just float if it was magic...
  4. The point is that I have stil 700 MB free of the 1 gb allocated... Wich is just weird that the server just uses 300 mb and the responses of blocks breaking/placing is still good.
  5. Launcher/pack Version: 2.1.1 Operating System: Windows XP (1Gb) Version of Java: 7 Description of Problem: Water and Lava takes a lot of time to update... It's really annoying when caving and for Cobble Gen's. I tried using a fresh server and tried anti-lagg plugins, I still have 700 MB RAM over. Error Messages: N/A Link to pastebin of log: N/A
  6. To fix the chunk unloading issue you could place chunk loader blocks they're keeping the chunks loaded all times, but this can be some extra load on the server if you have a lot of items in that chunk
  7. I think it uses R4, but i'm not sure... Too tired to check atm (lolz)
  8. World edit can do such a thing, but the problem is how to tell world edit to what block you whould like to edit to... Try filling an area with solar panels you whould only get genereators (i think)
  9. This is just a simple mistake... 1 watermill = one packet of 2 EU The cable is around 40 blocks long wich means that there will be powerloss Powerloss of tincable/glass vibre is 1eu/40 blocks. Wich means you will only get 50% of the power Solution: Try moving the MFSU closer or use a transformer
  10. Did placed teleportpipes next to other kinds of pipes? Give more information how you produced this...
  11. Did you installed tekkit on the server, if so are the block id's the same
  12. With this plugin you can easily run tekkit servers on "Not-so-fast-as-I-hoped" pc's. I run tekkit on 1Gb ram server w/ 2 players and still have a halve gig free. Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ptweaks-remove-all-server-lag/ I really advise this plugin for servers that are slow... :D
  13. Please give us more infomation... Your java/tekkit version etc. Try downloading the latest Tekki server software and "force" the technic launcher to update tekkit...
  14. I run a tekkit server on 1gb and still have 500mb over! I disabled mobs and use. Ptweaks
  15. Switch to hover-mode before you land :D
  16. Did you actvate the (combustion) engines with a redstone current? Else they won't do anything and sit there wasting your precious time :D
  17. To have a kind of creatice mode is by giving yourself the swiftwolfs ring (the one were you can fly with) and a full Klein Star Omega. Don't forget to /god :)
  18. Try updating your graphics card... If that doesn't work you'll need to buy a new graphics card :)
  19. People need to understand the meaning between: TEKKIT and TECHNIC
  20. World edit doesn't has no good sub-id support i think...
  21. I just delete the mod I don't want and all the mods that uses that mod Only do this if you what you are doing xD
  22. It's up to the mod maker to make the mods compatible with SMP... Not the tekkit dev team, they have already enough work to do. If there was an SMP version there needs to be a bukkit port and the mod maker would post the versions :)
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