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Everything posted by slovmonov

  1. Monov of team SLOV's clan Application for whitelist.Age: I am 24 IGN: SlovMonov Do you have Teamspeak or Skype?:I Have and activly use both. Why do you want to play?: I have just rebuilt my computer and I am interested in joining a small server with active people or atleast active server uptime of 24/7, This is because i play around all my spare time. What do you know?: Lol I am a logic master, spacial awareness expert and I love Minecraft so I am either great with the mod or can become great in a few hours. How long have you been playing?: I have played minecraft since the alpha days, and tekkit since 2.0.
  2. In-Game Name: SlovMonov Age: 24 Experience with Tekkit: Funktastic with Tekkit Did you read the rules?: Chyaaa Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
  3. IGN: SlovMonov Have you ever been banned: Never What do you plan to do on the server: Play! thats all i like to do What is your experience level with Tekkit? Im Funkin Fantastic with tekkit!
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