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  1. I've played a lot of TPPI (1), so a few warnings: Don't attempt to automate Advanced genetics machines, they don't like pipes. Mekanism cables are really bad at dealing with chunkboarders and chunkloading. They will cause massive lag if parts of them cross into unloaded chunks, and can crash servers. Don't place Digital miners near other tile entities. Put the Dig-miner first, then build up any support structures around the machine. Doing this wrong will leave you with ghost-blocks (essentially destroying your digi-miner).
  2. Server is down? or something. Technic launcher's acting weird, Tekkit's supposedly been updated, and a bunch of other people are having issues based on what I see in the comments on the Tekkit page. I think the pack author did something wrong in the update, and that messed everything up. If server is updated to 1.2.9F, will we have last night's save, or will it be a wipe? EDIT: Technic Launcher's un-fucked now, and I was able to update my version to f. I was able to get on the server with no issues, and everything looks normal.
  3. Um, after we got robbed, we jacked your linking book under spawn. I went through (because I'm the noob with no gear to lose) and got killed by your interdiction matrix. I was certainly in your base, and then you guys were having some issues both before and after that. I tried logging in this morning, but got nothing.
  4. I can confirm, I tried logging to see if my account had reset yet, and it keeps ejecting me with a message about "stream lost" or something similar. Those dudes were having all sorts of nasty troubles, starting at around 3ish. It's not something lplayer and I did, while we did fuck with his player tracker and computer under spawn, we didn't do anything that should compromise stability.
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