Your exact user-name as it appears in game: toruk
A short description of why you wish to join: I'm mainly looking for a server because I like to build large machines and buildings, but my computer can't always keep up. Plus, I like to explore servers to see what other people build, and even with a server with next to no community like you say this one is, there will still be stuff to see.
Your biome preference (forest, grassland, desert, tundra, jungle): My favorite biome is desert. I know I'm supposed to pm Earthrider about that, but I'm new to the forums and can't figure out how, sorry.
Your terrian preference (mountain, flat, mixed): Mixed or flat would be best, although I'd be fine with anything.
Access to water (coastline, river, lake, none): I don't really care, although I'd prefer not having to go on long treks to find a couple of source blocks.