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Everything posted by marythemango

  1. Since the server has 256 slots, you don't have to worry about running out of space, so feel free to bring your friends!
  2. So, Tekkit Forum Players, you'll be pleased to know we have a PVP arena now! It can be accessed by doing /warp arena. We also have Spleef, and a Hunger Games island that one of our admins made especially for you! Feel free to utilize them to your heart's content, and remember to fight fair!
  3. Hey there, it's Mary, known as Marybaroness on the server. I'm your friendly neighbourhood EST mod. Feel free to ask me anything; usually I will be able to help. If I don't respond, it's because I'm busy with something else. I'm afraid I'm not as funny as the other staff, but I'm working on it. Have fun playing Orecraft! Can't wait to see you there.
  4. I think Jaimee should get moderator, since like she said no one is on at her time.
  5. IGN: Marythemango TIME ZONE: EST WHY YOU SHOULD BE MOD: I'm mature, reliable, and on more often than not. I also enjoy Minecraft/Tekkit, and would love to have the opportunity to help others find it enjoyable, as well. Not While I can be "A hard ass" sometimes, I believe that modding should not be done willy nilly banning people, but the reason for bannings/kicking must be considered carefully. SOMETHING COOL YOU DID: I built a farm, a mushroom field, and multiple houses based off of my attempted degree in Architecture. On another server, I made an underwater city without the aid of Amulets or anything like that. YOUR FAVORITE MOD AND WHY: I really like EE2 due to the fact that it allows you to become more powerful than can be imagined, however it is unfair on how fast you can rise to power. PAST EXPERIENCE: Was a mod on a server; quit because the others were corrupt and very insulting about my gender.
  6. I think it's the school wifi, but I can't connect to the server... Now what will I do for an hour?
  7. I can't even afford a PS3, let alone a method of connecting it to the internet.. I know XBOX live costs money, so the PSN probs does,too
  8. He was talking about the old world, too. Getting Whisp up to date since she hasn't been on in a while, since the last world.
  9. Probably the machine you made, and the sheer number of people in one area.
  10. What was in your surprise building, Jaimee? Also we finally got hops. :P
  11. Oh no!!! I hope everything gets figured out.. ): Is there any way to go through and just remove condensers and stuff?
  12. I hope we don't have to start all over again! Also I'm out of milk for hot chocolate. Aaargh why does this happen to me
  13. I honestly have no idea, but I really hope it gets figured out!
  14. The water texture and lava textures are absent.
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