Hello! This is PowerMasterFTW! and today, We are inviting YOU to join are white-listed hexxit server! and, here are a few helpful reminders
1. If you are accepted, Please join are town, we will have public things (for instance, Smeltery)
2. Please, Build neatly. If you do not, you may be kicked from the server. (forever) a.k.a don't build Sloppy, i mean a square house is fine, just don't put random blocks.
3. ALWAYS listen to: PowerMasterFTW And Emerald_GamerZ
Now, We got that over with, lets start with the information you need to give us to join, we would like a age around 10 - 15, but anything elss is fine
Why you want to join:
How experienced are you:
We will only allow a max of 10 to 15 players. once we have reached this limit, we may not add anyone elss untill someone leaves, OR we get more space.
Thankyou for your time. -PowerMasterFTW P.S The ip is: