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  1. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but even if it is not I'm sure you guys can point me in the right direction. okay so, i have recently been hosting my own Attack of the b team server with a few friends and we decided to add some more mods to increase the fun, we added modular power armor, buildcraft, equivalent exchange and big reactors, no after i added IDfixminus it has all worked fine for me and the server is up and running yet for some reason my friends are unable to get he mods to load or in the case of big reactors work at all. i am just curious if there is anything i can do to help and make it work and would love if you guys could teach me what to do. I'm rather new to all of this so pleases bare with me. i can send any and all crash reports and mod lists or anything else that is needed, thanks.
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