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  1. Dude thank you so much Im just about done with all my mods you have been a great help. I don't care what anyone says about you, YOU ARE THE MAN, THANK YOU!!!!!!! (plowmanplow) p.s i think i was doing stuff wrong with mods but i could be wrong
  2. So I've been using the notenoughmods.com and some of the mods work but others end up taking me to a page I've already got a mod from and it doesn't work but I did get one to work so far so I don't know how i would be able to get the mods i want because some of the mods on Curse and MCF don't work
  3. here is the log and problem but how do u find the API My modpack is ModdedCraft 2.0 modpack.txt
  4. I have a problem with my modpack it starts loading then it shows the Mojang sign and then this pops up my modpack name is ModdedCraft 2.0 I would love it if someone helps me. Forge Mod loader has found a problem with your Minecraft installation The mods and versions listed below could not be found Mantle : minimum version required is 1.7.10-0.3.3 The file 'logs/fml-client-latest.log' contains more information the file below has the log modpack.txt
  5. Hey I just made a modpack and i installed it on the technic launcher and as soon as i hit play it starts loading then it shut off and the launcher comes back up. could someone please help me fix my problem that would be great
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