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  1. ITS WORKING RIGHT NOW! thank you SO much for the help man, Im rly glad I had you there to help me for the time I did
  2. already did that, and thx for the link I did, however accidentally download NEI 1.8, so thx again alright Im stuck again
  3. can you tell me whats going on now? seriouslt just need someone to walk me through it :/
  4. I gotta go I will figure this out later ... please try to figurew out why its not running in the mean time, this doesnt make any sense to me at all
  5. sorry nei had to be re-added last minute, I was binary searching for quite a long time its updating right now, so now you can see what Im talking about it I am having huge compatability problems, and havent been able to fix them with 100s of google searched there its updated oh great now its not even starting up
  6. k I updated it, if you would like to check it out & even maybe try to figure out whats going on yourself, you can, im gonna go to bed now its 12:22 PM for me right now
  7. kk, ive been editting it locally, I have gotten rid of some stuff, I just cant deal with all of this id stuff
  8. I cant seem to figure this out, the id its reffering to isnt in the config file, and there are no id resolvers in 1.7.10, yet ive seen these 2 mods in a modpack together before... how can I fix this?
  9. well Ive been changing all of the ids, but its not working
  10. so I fixed a ton of errors, but then I got one that idk how to fix http://pastebin.com/V4YxJZV1
  11. huh never noticed that, thanks
  12. heres the crash log http://pastebin.com/hEfM3GWb do you know how to fix it?
  13. now adding gilded games util ok im testing now and it just randomly crashes
  14. do you know how to fix it? oh sorry didnt see the new post, got it k I updated it, lets see what happens
  15. yeah, you will see what I mean in a moment
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