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Everything posted by Hego_Damask!

  1. There are 2 servers and its easy to know just by checking there different versions and perhaps visiting and you would actually see. We happen to play on both and we would go play and post what we have done on the great servers. Both mods 1.4.7 and 1.6.4 have alot of the same things that the other has and both of us cross play. . We will be more careful because apparently we cant post things that are similar to what we have done and post on this account only because your killing us everyone is afraid of posting here. Exile had to tell everyone not to post until this is resolved which is ridiculous; We have to be careful because we got someone who is mad about nothing i betcha there are 30 other servers that actually break the rules.
  2. I created a 50 geothermal power plant man its soooo wicked power of the earth!
  3. That stinks drunken! But you can make many wolfs with autospawners! You can accidentally kill loads!
  4. I just set down my quarries and i cannot wait for all the loot when i wake up tommorow. You are allowed to set FOUR quarries!
  5. I just set down my quarries and i cannot wait for all the loot when i wake up tommorow. You are allowed to set FOUR quarries!
  6. The staff are so helpful here and are around almost all the time to assist!
  7. It does the giant trees are very unique in Minecraft really sticks out there. It really does a number on your axe when chopping.
  8. It does the giant trees are very unique in Minecraft really sticks out there. It really does a number on your axe when chopping.
  9. You are totally right Dig it is very complicated and lots of different parts needed man. But space stations are rad!
  10. Heck Yeah ! The Halloween Competition ends tomorrow! I cannot wait for it. Br Prepared!
  11. Yeah guys! DSUS are very helpful in saving chest space in the game without having to toss all of our things!
  12. I cant wait for the 31st 5k is totally have something in store for us. I know it!
  13. But Nuclear power is more fun! Than on Tekkit lite for sure. Just be careful that you do not be killed by radioactive materials!
  14. But Nuclear power is more fun! Alot less expensive too. You have to make 3 or more HV Solars to put out the amount of power a Nuclear reactor can with just single cells.
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