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Everything posted by Didgeridont420

  1. Please please please do not join this server. The admins ruin this server to such an extent that I cannot believe noone has called them out. The admins on this server will either ignore you when you ask for help, mute you for asking for help, or ban you for even messaging a friend a swear word (They monitor the /msg). Over my time on this server, my friend and I have gathered some examples of why these admins are terrible. 1. One of the admins had a fight with a user over who's pc build was better. The admin constantly called the user a "degenerate" and an idiot for not thinking his pc build was good. The admin then muted the player for "disrespect". When the player was unmuted, he told the admin he was going to report him on the forums. The head admin then comes out of nowhere and bans this player. 2. One of the admins showed up at someones house, and griefed it. The person called the admin out but their message was promptly removed and they were banned. Anyone who mentions the event is instantly muted. 3. One of the admins appears to be middle aged woman with kids. Someone asked her for help because they were griefed. She told them to "Go away, I have bigger problems than you". By bigger problems, she means that her kid's school got a bomb threat, and that she decided to go play minecraft and complain about it. 4. One of the admins banned chests for being a grief item then muted anyone who called him out for being an idiot. 5. I sent a pm to my adult friend that said the word "penis" just to get his attention and let him know I was online. The word was censored, and despite being censored and a PRIVATE MESSAGE, the head admin threatened to ban me if I don't cut it out with the severe language usage. 6. According to some people I met on the server, the admins frequently tell people to screw off when they ask for help. 7. The admins ban people who try to help other people with problems that the admins should be fixing. 8. This server is laggy as balls and the admins choose to completely ignore it. 9. There are restarts every ~20 minutes, and each restart lasts about ~5 minutes. The restarts NEVER fix the lag. 10. The easiest way to get money is to vote. There are 2 vote sites, and each vote gives you $250 and a crate key ingame. The crate keys are pretty worthless, as they don't usually give you anything modded. The only reason that this server is "Hurr durr voted Numba 1" is because people have no choice but to vote if they want to progress financially. Either that or grind ProjectE until you get enough cash to sell stuff, and even then noone wants to buy your stuff because they don't have enough vote money. The server chat constantly tells me to review the server, so here it is, my review. I will probably never find a server with more retarded admins than this one. The only reason I have not been banned yet is because I choose to not say a word in the chat, for fear of losing more brain cells over the admins have to say. P.S. If this is deleted, the admins probably weren't too happy about this post.
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