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About zergdog

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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zergdog's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. 1.5.2 is in beta check the beta builds
  2. Server under Maintenance ETA 5 mins
  3. This is a server aimed at people over 18 years of age and can take a joke. We also have a teamspeak if you wish to join. Minecraft Info Address: mc.darkassassinsteam.com Teamspeak Info Address: ts.darkassassinsteam.com Password: 1339 Website Address: www.darkassassinsteam.com
  4. You will need an actual webhost for solder
  5. Where can I download the framework and documentation to read up on it and set it up?
  6. all files that need to be loaded into minecraft.jar should go into modpack.jar in the /bin/ folder
  7. So forcing the modpack directory change should fix it, and put a note to have it outside of the .technic folder? Worked, Thank you
  8. Can someone please look at this as to why it doesnt work? https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1csj0a5gk1le5f/pack.zip Works fine if i install it by hand not in technic format. It was originally formatted in MultiMC
  9. Can someone help me figure out why it is crashing, works fine if i made a normal pack. https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1csj0a5gk1le5f/pack.zip
  10. Hey guys, still trying to figure out this out, I loaded just forge into my modpack.jar in the /bin and still can't get it to load. Any thoughts? https://www.dropbox.com/s/qk9scgqzn2hhanj/pack.zip
  11. Is ModifyWorld a different plugin? I can't find it on bukkit
  12. Is there any way to allow groups or users to allow / deny items? Use, or even be able to place and build them.
  13. Alright, so what version are we playing on then?
  14. Hey guys, what version of forge is installed on tekkit 3.0.3? Also how easy would it be to updated it both client and server side?
  15. the smart moving zip since it is a mod, goes into your "Mod folder" no need to edit the mincraft.jar, this goes for both the server and client.
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