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Everything posted by Zabuka

  1. What is your Minecraft account name? Zabuka What is your age? (Be truthful, we do not discriminate based on age) Shown in application, I would rather not leave this information publicly available. What is your Timezone? GMT +0 - United Kingdom it may differ depending on Daylight savings Have you read, and do you understand the rules governing this server? Yes, I understand and will agree to the rules. What previous experience have you had as a Roleplayer? I started role playing back in the days of Warcraft 3 on the map SOTDRP, the map allowed you to creatively build and design your own role play on a predefined terrain, this allowed for magnificent variations in role playing each time you played, one time there could be a kingdom ruling over the land while other times there could be a shipwreck making all the players have to survive in whatever way possible. From there I have role played on a variety of places such as Minecraft due to the creative nature of them. How did you hear about Gaia Life RPPVP? I was browsing the custom modpack section and I happened to stumble across it. Is this your first attempt with our application? If not, please list other attempts. This is my first application. Have you +1'd our modpack on the Technic Platform? Presuming I remeber I will +1 it after I have finished this appilcation. Have you read the lore surrounding Gaia Life, and hereby swear to abide by the lore? Yes, I have read and understand the lore information that is currently avalible. Definitions Please describe in your own words what each of these means in a Roleplaying sense to you. Please do not Google or search up these definitions. Use your own words. Role-Playing: The act upon acting out as a or multiple character(s) or creature(s) that is not yourself in whatever way necessary be it a table top game or a game online. The characters or creatures details should be created by the imagination of the individual playing it. Meta-Gaming: The use of information that the character or creature isn't aware of, be it be a simple detail such as a bird flew out of a tree to vital information that may throw the table of balance towards the individual such as the knowledge of a weakness not already known. God-Modding: The Role plays form of cheating. In no means should this ever happen. This counts for anything that puts the player in the position of God such as avoiding all attacks or forcing another player to do specific actions without there consent E.G. Forcing them to betray there team without a given reason. In-Character Information Please make sure your character name is something you can live with in-game. Character Name: Seargrowth Character Age: 32 Characters Race: Weaver Characters Biography: Seargrowth - A magician of the forest. A average sized weaver that has slowly been poisoned by the weave causing his skin color to change to purple. The weave has also caused some of his memory to become lost and shards of his memory to become scattered around the world of Fracture. The goal of his life is to achieve the memory he lost while tapping into the arts of the arcane and earth to aid others deemed worthy of needing help. He tends to be lonesome at times only surrounded by natures animals but will happily team up with Eco-friendly organizations. He tends to dislike people that deface nature but will happily help them in restoring it. Meta Questions In this section, you will be asked a series of questions. Your responses are not directly responsible for the acceptance of your application, but if they are not answered, or answered seriously, your application can be denied. You stumble upon a small group of soldiers, approximately three counted among this group. They are harassing a middle aged street thug about some missing bronze machine parts that have gone missing from a local machine shop. What do you do? Seargrowth would attempt to pass without bringing attention to himself, this is due to the argument not being something I find the character would not like to intervene. As you are walking down the street, you notice some smugglers moving crates of what is clearly marked as "Ordnance" through an alleyway. The building they are moving said crates into is in-fact the only school in the sector, and if lost, would be irreplaceable. How do you approach the situation? I feel that in this situation Seargrowth would approach the smugglers and ask quietly what is contained in the crates. Presuming they don't notify the character he would attempt to lock them in place via magic or other means (Rope, Vines e.t.c) and notify nearby guards. You have been kicked out of your home. As you walk down the street, people and soldiers snicker at you as you pass by. Your own family wont even talk to you or read your messages. Somewhere along the line, you have done something so horrible that society would rather let you live, so that you can serve as a constant reminder of the evil of men. What have you done? In this situation I would presume that my character would have not done something serious enough to cause a catastrophe but something accidental that resulted in consequences. I would think that Sear growth might have become furious in rage via a side effect of the weave causing him to injure a high ranking industry member due to the way they treated the environment. (Naturally he would have passed by and let the rage inside stay within him but a side effect of the Weave caused him to unleash his rage) Two plumbers walk into a bar and promptly start a fight. What do you do? Simply ignore them and carry on the activities I was already performing. (In Seargrowth's nature he would not deem either of them worthy of help.) Finally... Have you posted a copy of this app onto the Technic Forums? You can do this after you submit to make it easier to copy and paste! I will do it after I submit my application.
  2. Same Id Mismatch as before after updating
  3. The error I got is in the image on this link: http://gyazo.com/2148b23c9d9458a0d933d6f0461db4b7 (After removing the Nova Menu)
  4. When ever I try to join this server I crash. The crash log is available here: http://pastebin.com/mrEibnv9
  5. When I am testing stuff in single player it seems that when I put two universal cables next to each other while connecting to the heat generators of mekanism it corrupts my world and no longer works. It seems the server is down again
  6. The server seems to be down. Have you thought about maybe adding a auto restart so the server will bring itself back up after a while?
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