Hey there, I've been enjoying this site and the packs on it for a while and been trying to set up my own private pack to play around in. I was accomplishing some for a while, but recently I've not been able to download and install any of the packs I try and set up. I always end up getting the "error unzipping a file for the following pack:" message, telling me to contact the mod pack author, which is me:/ . I've looked around and found a few threads that had similar problems, but I have gone through and done the same stuff to fix it that they have and still no luck. I removed the resources pack folder(though for loot++ you need its custom resource pack), checked and double checked that my dropbox link was properly set up, and I am pretty sure my modpack.jar file works fine. I am starting to get kinda frustrated, so any help would be appreciated.
Links to the pack I am testing: