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  1. My modpack keeps crashing when it opens minecraft it goes to constructing mods then it crashes after. Can someone help I uploaded a crash log. Technic Crash.txt
  2. K thanks I forget to change it to 1.7.10 thx for the help.
  3. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/legacy-pack-by-duckboybc.867588
  4. The pack is now downloadable But when I hit play It loads then wont open minecraft.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zxd6z0j8pqzars8/Snuggy2.zip?dl=0 Thats the Link and Noob Question Whats a ModPack API.
  6. I have made a modpack and have put the link in for the modpack but when I go to use the mod pack I get this Error downloading a file for the following pack: [Pack Name] Failed to download [Link] Please consult the modpack creator [me]
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