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Posts posted by kaz


    Oden: Land Of the Free

    Welcome player! My name Is Kaz!, and I want to say hey and thanks for checking out this server advertisement. So what are we as a server? A fun, friendly environment, where "You!", the player can enjoy the game in your own time and pace. We make up a mature group of staff, admins and player base. You are very welcome to join in and keep the good times rolling. 

    To clear this up we have a few rules, check them out below!

    - No griefing or stealing! 

    - Keep the bad language to a minimum. 

    - No cheating or exploiting. 

    - When an admin states something is final it is, e.g. don't argue with us! We are here to enjoy and play the game too! 

    - Be nice and people will be nice back! 

    Some useful information! 

    - Server restarts every three hours! You will be warned before hand with regular server information notices. 

    - Server saves every ten minutes. 

    - Keep Inventory is enabled. 

    - Mob griefing is disabled. 

    - Three backups everyday.

    - We have a TeamSpeak! Come join us, IP: " uk-voice2.fragnet.net:10119 "


    Server Info!

    - Modpack URL: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/the-1710-pack

    - Server IP is " "

    - We have a TeamSpeak! Come join us, IP: " uk-voice2.fragnet.net:10119 "


    [1.7.10] The 1.7.10 ModPack | Recommended Version | No Lag | MyTown Grief Protection | Nothing banned | Mature Admin/Owner. 


  2. I don't understand you are missing files No file written that is the main message being gotten from this. For some reason you do not have all the files are they are being missed out or something? From what i have gathered that seems to be the issue its has errors it cannot load properly, you are missing files i don't know why. Maybe how your computer downloads the file? How Winrar extracts the file? Where the files are stored? But its apparent that you are missing files for some reason.

  3. Hmm, well give the guys approach above a shot and then maybe try this Ive spotted this OpenGL: null version null, null. Minecraft is based on the driver OpenGL, what a system restore wont really do will restore your drivers in some cases. Restore your drivers and then go and seek out a OpenGL driver that is compatible for your system or just a graphics driver. Also it seems that yours may have corrupted or any other number of issues. Reinstall your drivers and try and find a openGl one then get back to us.

  4. This is interesting and strange, the only thing i can put it down to and i may be unlikely is the fact that while using the Tekkit connection system there clashing i have heard of connections that clash over somethings but not over others and this is down to the NAT types (Network access type). Unlikely but possible would anyone like to elaborate on this matter :P? Or You could try this have your friend host a temporary server like your doing in reverse to see if then the issue is on your end?

  5. Your drivers maybe corrupted or have issues with them for those that use Nvidia go to http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us As for windows check other graphical properties. Also maybe look at clearing your RAM cache and in the launcher as well. Minimize graphical options, DO NOT use texture pack as they consume even more memory. Get rid of applications that are running alongside Tekkit, skype iTunes use a lot of memory. Upgrading your RAM on your computer is a good way of getting more out of it.

  6. Erm this maybe a case of the client not working with the server do a clean install then give it another shot and remember this is a new mod there is guna be issues with it with tekkit. If this is an isolated issue then its just you but of course if its more spread then hang onto your socks and play the waiting game.

  7. Actually that's not the case, there are many types or lag; frame rate lag for one maybe the issue here. Tekkit is memory consuming, + if you are hosting on the same computer local host or not it will lag like hell. As you are running two very resource consuming applications. So if i had computer lag as it is called then i have issues with chest macerators and whatnot. As for vanilla mine craft it aint got nothing on tekkit memory usage.

  8. Ok this maybe either a lag issue as you have stated or a memory issue, open the launcher and clear your cache try that. If nothing then go to %appdata% and delete the tekkit folder and have your launcher do a fresh install of it reconnect. Also is your chat laggy or is it generally the case with it all. Also make sure that tekkit has enough memory to use, you can assign more memory in the options area of tekkit. If you need more memory make sure applications are not running when playing or your not using a texture pack as that is very memory consuming.

  9. If you Google this Tekkit sprax pure BD craft it will come up with texture packs for the tekkit client. Be warned however new block may not have been updated yet by the texture pack makers so they will come up as a foreign object. Plus texture packs are very resource consuming especially the higher quality ones

  10. Well it should turn them into black loot balls which in turn you would pick up and they would turn back into what they were. Yes its a problem if its a bug, the solution is if it works normally when not flying, don't fly when mining the ores.

  11. Correct but have you followed what i displayed above? You have to remember that his isn't made by some elite company its made by some cool guys who put together a mod pack its not going to be picture perfect its going to have bugs and errors and at the end of the day things do go wrong.

  12. Dam man you have some serious issues, i mean wow. But give this a shot, try getting a new launcher? Yours maybe broken aka will run some program but when it comes to rocky waters bam down goes your ship. How old is your computer? And try using a later version of the launcher since 3.1.3 came out ive had a smoother ride with the FPS dunno why but there you go. Also here is a more uneasy idea and you may not like it, your computer may have a virus on it that consumes memory in order to operate at a capacity when a memory hungry application comes along it competes with it but as it goes will not win. When you boot your computer how much physical memory is being used? and how much ram these are clear indicates, and stranger things have happened :P

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