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About xAuTzz

  • Birthday 05/08/1997

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  1. I am doing everything correct. Mining Pipes just won't break blocks and the Quarry won't build itself when I power it :/ I know for a fact I am doing it correctly for I have used buildcraft many times before in single player.
  2. I am breaking the rules but I need to double post. I seriously need help. :L (Sorry Admins/Mods)
  3. Are you sure you didn't modify the config file or something? :/ I even just re-installed the server and it isn't working still.
  4. I have them powered and everything. They just don't do anything. Except the Pump does work for me. Not the Mining Well or Quarry :/
  5. Anyone know the fix to the Buildcraft problem with Quarries, Pumps or Mining wells not working?
  6. Yes I did :/
  7. Hello. I have checked about 5 pages of problems within "Tekkit Bug Board" Under "Tekkit SMP" and I have not seen anyone with this problem or anyone say how to resolve it so I am making this new topic. I have made a Tekkit 2.0 Survival server for My friends and I and we got as far as to make Mining Well's and Quarries and when We set them down and powered them they both had problems. For the Mining well; It would start setting its pipe down until it his a block and stop. It wouldn't mine the blocks therefore, being a waste of materials as it doesn't do what it is suppose to do. For the Quarries. We powered them with Combustion Engines with Oil and set them on but the Quarry wouldn't activate and start building itself and start mining. Any ideas on how to fix this. Is there something in the config I must fix? Some help is very appreciated ;D
  8. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 Mining Well doesn't mine in Multiplayer. Or am I the only one having this problem? *EDIT: Quarries don't work either. Is something wrong with my Buildcraft settings? and Entities don't show either. Can someone confirm this and reply? Thanks*
  9. Hello, Whenever I try running the Technic Launcher it says "Can't find Java directory". Any help guys?
  10. Are you sure? You are bluffing. I don't like bluffers :-\ It is midnight eastern time Kyneff. I will be awaiting this "release"
  11. Re: Tekkit in new launcher, no server files? They are keeping it quiet! IT IS A SURPRISE!!!! ;D
  12. Oh my god, I am loving this. It is a shame people don't know how to move a cursor and click. That is all it takes to find downloads and read rules.
  13. Which one is the latest server download? :O
  14. My friends and I just discovered tekkit/technic pack and we are on 2.0. Though, we discovered that the newest release is buggy and that the server download was taken down for fixing over a week ago and is still not working. So I was wondering for the sake of my friends and I, where can I find a download for the Tekkit release before 2.0 and its Client and Server download. For anyone who can provide us the Tekkit 1.1.4 Server and Client link Download thanks a lot! :)
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