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Everything posted by GazbonicAcid

  1. yes I did, I followed them. But something to do with the web host software and not Solder was making it not work. And yes, I tested, failed, googled, failed, tinkered, failed, tinkered, still failed. I'll try tinkering again.... I do not have high hopes for myself. Edit: Also I don't want anyone to *permanently* host it for me for hosting my modpack. Only so I can explore the interface of Solder's newer versions since its been so long since I last used it back before it had documentation and was made readily available to download. Edit 2: I only have access to php7 on my laptop, running Xubuntu 16.04. Edit 3: It'll be alot easier for me to install it on a hosted server then my own personal computer. Only installing it on my pc to explore the newer interface.
  2. Edit: Thanks for actually paste binning it !
  3. First of all if this is the wrong forum for this, then please move it to the correct one for me moderators. I need help with Solder. I tried installing it on my own pc just so I could explore its user interface. Did not have much luck at all. I need somebody to temporarily host it and give me access so I can explore its gui. I'll also need help getting it installed once I have somewhere to host it. You're help is much appreciated.
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