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About brayden

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

brayden's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. That keyboard doesn't look realistic, the perspective is awful. Damnit Cheapshot, YOU ARE FIRED!
  2. We could discuss these changes further on IRC. The address for Technic's channel is: irc.synirc.net 6667 (+6697 for SSL) and the channel is #technic.
  3. A very good start on this forum. Also please read the rules with regards to signing your posts. Edit: Also: What wiki?
  4. If someone has their old fashioned wireless redstone block floating, it seemingly will cause the server to crash. This is due to an improved version of the wireless redstone mod using a tile instead of a block, which confuses it a lot. The only fix I found was to either remove wireless redstone mod files and launch the server so that the blocks with wireless redstone would disappear, or, prior to converting, load your world in the old version of Tekkit and fix any of these blocks. If you go for the first "fix", it may cause crashes in other chunks as I'm not sure whether it'd remove it in any unloaded chunks. The error that is associated with this problem is: 2012-05-29 19:23:54 [iNFO] Attempted to place a tile entity (codechicken.wirelessredstone.redpower.TileRPReceiver@198716a9) at -146,4,-2184 (AIR) where there was no entity tile! 2012-05-29 19:23:54 [iNFO] Chunk coordinates: -160,-2192 So, beware!
  5. So this is implying you have absolutely no post production what so ever and anyone who watches will have to go through excruciatingly long mining sections and such to find anything useful?
  6. "xXScrubGamerXx"? I thought those sorts of names were only myths. After watching approx. 5 minutes of episode 1, (I had to stop to protect my hearing.) I can only say it was quite possibly one of the most thrilling adventures I have ever experienced. Standing in a somewhat hollowed out mountain with some guy talking about how his wireless mouse doesn't work whilst screaming because he runs at creepers with wooden swords was so thrilling that I microwaved some popcorn after 30 seconds. Which immediately exploded from the scream at 0:32. After watching some of episode 3, I'm left feeling as though I joined some Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Mumble/whatever channel where people are playing Tekkit with no idea who is who and what is going on.
  7. Overloads are usually caused by considerable CPU consumption. Either consider giving Tekkit a higher priority or closing anything that may be CPU intensive. They can also happen when there's lots of redstone circuits and such constantly changing state.
  8. It is in my opinion that you should immediately stop uploading videos this instant. From watching at least part of your video, I ascertained that you aren't particularly good at Technic, you aren't particularly fast at it and have absolutely nothing interesting to say at all. Just looking at the Let's Play Pavilion it seems there are mountains of these and whilst you are not certainly the worst, you are certainly pretty far down. The render distance being set to tiny(?) didn't help the tech quality either. I'd say, wait until you are good enough to be considered useful to watch or just don't do it.. full stop. As a matter of fact.. how about you remove the existing videos, ask the admins to delete this thread and just wash your hands of this entire Let's Play thing?
  9. Re: Make a server for me plz If you pay me enough money I'll do it.
  10. By the way, make sure you don't call your sysadmin incompetent. Once upon a time I called ours incompetent and she almost killed me. Never did write the apology though. Someone a little mad after having to deal with a BOFH? @OP: They probably nuke the drive when the user logs off and they'd also have to pre package the software with it which comes with other implications, such as people playing it in their spare time as opposed to when it is part of the lesson and also setting up user accounts. Technic Pack is too fun for class room activity though.
  11. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 I get this too, error is: [02:06:14] [sEVERE] java.lang.AbstractMethodError [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at agq.a(GuiIngame.java:116) [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at kz.b(EntityRenderer.java:945) [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at EntityRendererProxy.b(EntityRendererProxy.java:15) [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:741) [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:638) [02:06:14] [sEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Did some Googling and found complaints from other people that seems similar.
  12. Do I get something for making a hasty post on how to fix it?
  13. Settle down I re wrote that section of the post. :)
  14. Then download the copy from the person below, which is a working copy. As far as I know the launcher should handle all the downloading of Technic SSP and Vanilla, the only thing you'll not have is the fixes in the changelog which were hardly crucial or interesting by any means. With regards to Arkham, is your internet so amazingly fast that you don't see the Download window? Because it persists long enough on the screen for me that I am capable of seeing it. So it was hardly unknown. Whilst being optional would be nice, that's what the backup file is for.
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