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Everything posted by KenovaStrider

  1. Alright, so I got it to download with google chrome, How do I install it?
  2. Don't have anti-virus going, all I have right now is windows Defender, as I said, new laptop and I haven't gotten around to installing an antivirus as of yet.
  3. Negative, Won't work "The page isn’t redirecting properly" then again, this might be a new laptop, could that be an issue?
  4. Every time I open the page, It won't load, Keeps saying "Problem loading page."
  5. So my minecraft keeps on crashing when I use this workbench, I don't know whats causing it and I can't continue my new world unless I get past it, and this is causing such a headache for me, Would anyone be able to help? I'm unable to attach my crashlog for some reason Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/gxPfD8Qb
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