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Everything posted by jj999125

  1. IGN:jj999125 Age:14 Timezone:Chicago How long have you been playing tekkit: not long, ive been playing technic for about 8 months How often will you be on the server:all day after school until i get my own server up Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged):not really Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/1e67a564037b45f0c003e0cf2432f25af2b1e11b Why you received the bans (If Applicable):i was accused of greifing, i didnt care, the server community was rude and immature ive been learning the industrial craft farming, and im good with most the mods, and im a very creative builder
  2. IGN: jj999125 Age: 14 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY? No, I have not. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? I like the multiple mods, the challenge of earning end game items that are awesome, and having fun the whole way, and i love machinery WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? I have been working in the industrial craft farming, and will be able to brew ale with it, i try to maintain keeping the world undestroyed and clean, im also very good at building, and i like to build with redpower small blocks, im also very creative, and like to help newer builders or technicians, I also want to get my friends to play tekkit, and i could get them to join, I also play with sphax with the tekkit addod with all the mod patches in tekkit
  3. Shure, id love to join. I have always wanted to play h/m online, but dont have a server IGN:jj999125
  4. NVM SORRY FOR THE TROUBLES, Its fixed and im really happy
  5. my problems got a million times worse, ok first i tried my tekkit game and it said a update was available, i thought, oh maybe i can, NOPE, it turns it into norm minecraft vers 1.2.5, with all the mods i have on there except it has nei instead of tmi im thinking of just deleting the .minecraft and trying again
  6. Title: my tekkit game wont start Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: windows Java Version: i dont know Description of Problem: when i start tekkit the mojang thing appears then it comes up with a light-blue screen that says minecraft has stopped running, ive seen this screen MANY times on my norm game after installing mods Error Messages: it has a long list and it says: minecraft has stopped running because it has encountered a problem Error Log:
  7. i really like the techinc launcher but its not working at ALL it downloaded it and whenever i try to start it it comes up with a load bar that say checking launcher version and another message that says "cant find java directory" how do i fix it?
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