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About durrand

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

durrand's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. did the server just go down? i lost connection and cant seem to get back in
  2. durrand

    Java errors

    changing the allocated memory helped me, thanks
  3. Hi ive been trying to get on the server but i keep getting "failed to log on: error"? can i get help?
  4. IGN:Durrando Age: 18 Experience: played a lot of single player tekkit and spent a while on a few servers Kind of thing you are wanting to build: small factories, i also want to learn a bit more about computercraft and computer automated/controled factories Daily amount of time you expect to spend on server:i do have work and college so ide say a two-three hours ever couple of days How long will you expect to play on the server (days,weeks,months?):as long as i enjoy it, when i find a good server i tend to stick with it
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