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Posts posted by ronneke1996

  1. I'm sorry. But I'm still waiting a case for my computer.

    So far I forgot to tell JetStorm released support of Technic Pack with my textures in it:

    Click here to download it!

    Now remember this is only an pre-release and not everything its completed and few textures on the screenshots doesn't include in the support. Feedback would be grateful.

    I'm posting this now because I tought I could release an stable pre-release in time. But this might take a while.

    For all the people who cant search

  2. Honestly i don't give a shit about uncompleted textures for mods like ComputerCraft or other shits, since my Technic release is full of custom-added mods and even with Sphax i can't have everything textured in HD... but i DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK, i want really bad to play Technic with the Dokucraft pack!

    I share the same thought

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