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Everything posted by derbled93

  1. Then why isn't it working without that cmd prompt?
  2. I've got it opening with Java Platform SE Binary. That was the best match to Java I could find. Any clue where I should be looking for the correct program?
  3. When I go directly to the folder and double click the .jar, it does not work. What is different?
  4. I'll be completely honest, I have no idea what that meant but it worked! Thank you so much. Edit: Just closed it to see if it still worked and I got the same issue as before... Should I just type that stuff in every time?
  5. Operating System: Windows 64-bit Version of Java: jre 7u4 *ONLY* What antivirus you use: Microsoft Security Essentials Description of Problem: Technic Launcher won't launch (hardy har har). The exe shows the typical "Checking for updates" deal, and I've tried every solution I've found on this forum but nothing has helped. I've reinstalled java 7 multiple times and ran the .jar file found in App Data but that only shows a cmd box for a second then closes. Error messages or logs if they are available: N/A
  6. So, first off, I had the Technic Pack. Downloaded it, played it, had a blast. I spent 5 hours trying to set up a private server so my friends and I could play together (I'm a noob at this stuff I guess). Anyways, the server is up... I think. Not important. During that process, I had to delete Java and re-install it. This caused my computer to stop recognizing the Technic Launcher as an executable jar file. So I deleted it, re-installed it, and I'm still having the same problem. Any help? FYI, I've downloaded the launcher installer, but it refuses to work for me. I'm assuming this is a branch off of the bigger problem stated above but I would not be at all surprised if I was wrong. Windows 7 64-bit Java 7 64-bit Microsoft Security Essentials I don't have any error logs because it wont ever launch.
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